wellbeing days
We are working with our partners Nature Nurture to develop wellbeing days for businesses and organisations, integrating creativity, conservation and wellbeing
The science is in: outdoor activity at work increases productivity and wellbeing. Nature can restore attention, lift moods and improve concentration.
Our vision is to embed nature connection into the workplaces. By creating a fun, friendly environment for your workforce to carry out purposeful outdoor activity, you can help your local community and natural environment whilst boosting the health, happiness and productivity of your employees.
Our programmes for business can help your organisation build a positive profile in your local community and support a healthier staff by incorporating nature into the workplace.
The Nature Nurture creative team can also support sustainability storytelling and PR with photography, short films, presentations and participant certificates.

Our approach to wellbeing
In creating moments of silence we strive to support people’s wellbeing through:
Paying attention to the present moment. Paying care-full attention to our experience helps us slow down, develop a calm focus and appreciate everyday happenings more intensely, encouraging us to be more compassionate to ourselves, others and the environment.
Connecting with others. Making art brings people together in a relaxed and friendly environment, encouraging the exchange of ideas, stories and experiences, while promoting cooperation, friendship and feelings of belonging.
Learning. Participatory arts practice develops a range of interpersonal, creative and technical skills that boost self-confidence, raise self-esteem and foster a sense of purpose.
Keeping active. Arts activities get us out and about, benefitting our physical health and mental wellbeing.
Giving. By sharing our experiences and creations we can inspire others, spark their interest, make them smile and foster understanding. Quietly connecting with others through engaging arts activities, nurtures positive feelings of purpose and self-worth.
Accessing quiet. Stillness and positive experiences of silence underpin Small Silence’s approach. We are committed to protecting and promoting access to public quiet spaces and helping people to enjoy and value small silences in the day that support wellbeing.
(points 1-5 are based upon the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’
developed by the New Economics Foundation and used by both the NHS and Mind)