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From sound recordings made in the field and in the studio,

I craft engaging works that capture the imagination of the listener.


gets people talking to each other


gets people moving


gets people learning new skills


gets people appreciating everyday sounds


gets people appreciating sonic wonders

sound installations

Physical and virtual sound installations link people with nature, heritage, social issues and others in their community.

sound trails

Sound trails can encourage people to explore their sonic environment, promoting learning, mindful awareness, exercise, connection with nature and heritage, contributing to improved physical and mental wellbeing.

oral history

Oral history can give a voice to marginalised groups, tackle loneliness and social isolation, build friendships and connect people to place.

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HushCity Soundwalk Square 05-09-19.jpeg

mapping public quiet spaces

River Square.jpeg

quiet space certification


quiet space soundwalks

Small Silence is working with Hush City app. to improve access to local quiet spaces and raise awareness of their value to local populations.

HushCity Reading 27-01-19.jpg

Protecting, promoting and raising awareness of the value of quiet through Quiet Parks certification. Benefits of certification include:


  • Improving visitor's physical and mental wellbeing.

  • Supporting the conservation of wildlife and preserves habitats.

  • Generating business in quiet tourism.

  • Driving media interest and social media engagement.

  • Boosting visitor numbers and membership.

Through soundwalks and other public engagement activities, we help map and evaluate public quiet spaces, contributing to citizen science research.

Working with communities, local government and NGOs to explore issues around noise pollution and the protection and promotion of urban quiet. Soundwalks can include:


  • Workshop exploring noise pollution, quiet space protection and soundscape perception.

  • Practical exercises engaging in soundscape analysis, sound level measurement and app-based mapping activities. 

  • Exploration of auraldiversity and the ways the soundscape is experienced.

  • Practical issues and potential solutions for implementing soundscape improvements.


quiet in green spaces

tranquillity trails

Small Silence supports the work of Silent Space, a charity dedicated to providing opportunities for quiet in green spaces across the UK. 

Silent Space Logo.png

Working with YourTour to provide immersive app-based audio tours, encouraging local people to explore the quiet spaces on their doorstep.

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