distal bodies
The short daily listenings and recordings that comprise this project, document the changing soundscape in the village of Woodcote, South Oxfordshire during the Covid-19 lockdown in May/June 2020 and a series of [unlocked] recordings in September 2020. The writings and reflections investigate themes of social, spatial and temporal distance.
A Sound Diaries project with researchers at the Sonic Art Research Unit at Oxford Brookes University
20th September 2020
Location: Village Green, Woodcote, Oxfordshire, UK
Time: 08:58 – 09:13
Weather: Sunny intervals and a gentle breeze
Temperature: 15oC
Average Sound Level: 46.1dBSPL (LAeq, 15)
19th September 2020
Location: Village Green, Woodcote, Oxfordshire, UK
Time: 08:58 – 09:13
Weather: Sunny, with a moderate breeze
Temperature: 15oC
Average Sound Level: 48.6dBSPL (LAeq, 15)
18th September 2020
Location: Village Green, Woodcote, Oxfordshire, UK
Time: 08:57 – 09:12
Weather: Sunny, with a moderate breeze
Temperature: 15oC
Average Sound Level: 53.6dBSPL (LAeq, 15)